Tuesday, April 1, 2008

T--d to Joy!

Isn't it magnificent how sometimes the simplest achievement can bring such great pleasure? Now that I've eliminated I can finally evacuate the hospital, and return to "normal" life. Was tempted to take a photo with my camera phone, just to document my success for posterity. But you know, there are still a few details of my life the sharing of which falls beyond the pale of delicacy.....


Christen said...

Oh, Tim...
Hey, now you get to go home and give your dad some trouble.
Can't wait to come visit.

Anonymous said...

Well, Tim, great news on your recent move(ment). We are just back from two weeks in Australia and so read your blog for the first time yesterday. Still in shock, so will stick to logistics. We are at the Beach most of July and Aug. and can provide you concierge services if you come west. Keep up the good fight. Your friends, Tim and MJ. Embarrassing pictures to follow.