Friday, January 30, 2009

Oh Deer! Winter is Here!

whew... And this is how it has felt here in Portland this past week. I feel lucky that I've been able to stay inside the past three days, but still I feel the burden of it. The weight of winter. All that snow, piled everywhere. It's overwhelming. Makes me grateful to have a roof over my head and to be surrounded by four warm walls, one of which has a westerly-facing window, which allows me to nap in the afternoon sunlight like a cat or some sort of lizard.

Meanwhile, I am slowly catching up with my church-work. Wrote a seminary recommendation for my former Director of Religious Education, and now I'm returning to my sermon for this coming Sunday, which I would have preached last Sunday if I'd been feeling up to it. The problem is now that I have too MUCH material, and need to figure out what to leave out. Which shouldn't be too much of a problem. Since nothing is ever TRULY lost...I can always use it again next week.

But maybe I really should try that nap first....

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