Thursday, July 30, 2009

Transition Tension

And I can't remember where I first saw this image, but obviously it made an impression on me; so I copied it on to my own desktop, and now I'm sharing it with all of you. Just one of the things from "out there" in the in the larger culture that is bothering me, even though I would just as soon not have to be bothered about it at all. But that's scary too -- feeling the way that my life just seems to be compacting down more and more into a size that I can handle from day to day, and how often even that seems to be way too much. It's frightening. Even terrifying Makes me feel so [f-Word] helpless. Sometimes I feel like I just can't stand it any more. But then I realize that I have to, because the alternative is not to have a life at all.

Two of my past three mornings have been taken up with medical appointments; tomorrow I get a day off, but then Friday I've got a double-header. And then another long weekend waiting for results. The days pass so quickly, and yet so slowly. So much to do, but does any of it really matter? My mortality feels very close this evening. And I don't like it one little bit.

;Happy Birthday Daudre!!!


Nishant said...

yes it may be happens.

Work from home

PeaceBang said...

DEER TIM I thiNK u NEeds to Get a Teddy Bare NO seersly my MOMmy hads ones named IgGY anD She SLeePED WTH HIm um until she GOTs ME PRacticley

BARes are GOOD
Sned mOM ur ADdrs okay?