Like a lot of folks in the UUniverse, I imagine, I tuned in yesterday to "Fresh Air" on NPR so that I could listen to Terry Gross interview Forrest Church about his most recent book
Love & Death: My Journey Through the Valley of the Shadow. The interview itself was no great shakes, although, in all honesty, I
SO admire Forrest and the quality of the work he has done over the years that it would be very difficult for me to be any more impressed than I already am. And there was at least one part of the interview that I liked so much that I jotted it down, although I'm sure I've heard it before and it came almost as an aside -- when he described God as a "life force, that which is greater than all, and yet present in each." To which I would add "and in whose presence we are reminded, and made to realize once again, that we are part of a greater whole, and still whole within ourselves."
Hearing Forrest's interview came at the tail end of a pretty long day that also included my own monthly medical check-up earlier that same morning, and the rather distressing news that I have gained ANOTHER 15 pounds in the past four weeks, and for the first time in my life now tip the scale at over 300 lbs. This is getting ridiculous! Any yet...
Well, part of the problem really is body image. Because unless I really concentrate, when I look in the mirror I don't see this:

or this:

or even this:

What I DO see are these other guys down below -- the guy that I was BEFORE I got cancer, and suddenly had to accept the limitations that life imposes as honest-to-God realities, and not just in the abstract. It was easy to gain this weight: the food is free, it tastes real good, there's plenty of it and not much else going on in my life to keep me entertained at the moment. Add that to the fact that I get virtually no exercise, and...well, four pounds a week is about an extra 1600 calories a day. So I really have been eating for two!
Sitting on my scrawny rear and showing off my youthful curls, c. 1975
Parker was still a puppy, just before my 40th birthday
Helping my nephew Michael figure out Windows (or maybe he was helping me). Michael is now a student at Washington State University, where he plays clarinet in the marching band.
At least I did see the Nutritionist yesterday as well, which was a small help -- although (as I told her) I already KNOW
HOW to eat more healthy than I do. So it really is mostly a matter of making up my mind to do it, and then taking that commitment seriously and sticking with it over time. Make, Take, Stick...there's GOT to be a better mantra than THAT!
What a jawline! Mick Jagger had nothing on you TWJ!
Val C.
OH TIMMY! You've been living in your 20-something self body for as long as I've known you. If you don't lose some of that buttah I won't be able to wheel you around when I see you next.
Boxing your ears, lovingly,
Your Own Beloved Meatball
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