
The good Reverend Doctor's cancer blog, composed in the heat of battle as he struggles against an insidious malignancy for the survival of his entire universe.... (cue Dramatic Theme Music) [HINT for New Readers: start out with the links on the left, and read chronologically from the beginning until is starts to sound repetitive. Then skim ahead until you catch up to "real time."]
aren't you supposed to be sick? go to BED! Ann B
p.s. I mean that in the kindest possible, "I care about you" way. Ann B
Yes, I AM supposed to be sick. And I'll tell you this too, last night when my head hit the pillow I went out like a light, and nearly slept through my breakfast this morning. But I knew you meant it in the kind caring way, so you just keep reminding me to take good care of myself and I'll keep doing MY best to keep that in the front of my mind.
"A Dog for All Seasons" and "A MAN for All Seasons". What better pairing could anyone ask for? Please DO take good care of yourself and always keep your focus on DOING your best.
What wonderful pictures of one of my favorite girls.
Nosy Parker/Cosy Parker is so nanorable!! It's so nanorable it's NANORNABLE!
oh man, the puppy Parker I never got to meet at that size, totally edible. How did you ever get ANYTHING done? I mean, weren't your lips plastered to her head?
Also, Max LOVES the leaves, too. He bounds in them like a little circus pony, and bounces like a flying reindeer. I think he wants to audition to help fly Santa's sleigh.
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