Meanwhile, I still haven't gotten around to writing my annual Holiday Letter either, which seems a little redundant given the amount of blogging I've done this year. Still, it is a tradition I would hate to interrupt, and perhaps just that small and gentle e-mail with a link to the text of the actual letter itself -- will be sufficient. I sure have enjoyed the cards, letters and e-mails I've received from so many of you. One of my favorites actually contained the suggestion that in light of the recent events of December 14th in Bagdad, we need a new Constitutional Amendment protecting the right to Bare Feet.

Oops! Forgot that I was blogging on One Day Isle. This sort of post is much more worthy of The Eclectic Cleric. Maybe I'll see you over there.
So I guess the Weapons of Mass Destruction were a pair of shoes, after all.
Buon Natale!!!
Me thinks much of America is thankful that an ordinary Iraqi showed the world just how disgusted the common man is with Junior's behavior. But what is most disturbing is that it took the vanquished, not the democratic invader to make that pathetic point. Our faults aren't in the stars fellow citizens, but are ours to ruminate for perpetuity...
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