Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rainy Day Wednesday


And suddenly just keeping up with all the little things there are to do in life is becoming almost too burdensome to bear. Daily 7:30 AM Radiation appointments probably aren't helping matters much, and by 3 pm both my Dad and I are pretty much shot for the day. We've done a little bit of packing up in my office at church, managed to get my bicycle shipped to my daughter today also, and I'm gradually getting around to making inquiries about changing over my health insurance, finding a new team of doctors on the West Coast, and contracting with a moving company to get everything shipped cross-country when I leave here.

Also working to finish up strong regarding my last few sacerdotal responsibilities: I'll be preaching on Mother's Day and Memorial Day, and will probably have a brief word of farewell to make at the Annual Meeting May 31st; I'm also scheduled to preach on Nantucket for the Summer Solstice, Midsummer's night eve, Sunday June 21st...that's just sixty days from now, which I'm so afraid will just fly by me in a blur.

Meanwhile, my Dad and his wife Debra are scheduled to fly back to Sacramento next Monday, which doesn't really give us that much time left together either. In between moving and medical errands we've also been making the rounds of the many friends my father has made at church in the year or so he's been traveling out here to be with me during my illness. All of it important, and becoming increasingly urgent as time slips away. Perhaps a metaphor of my larger situation in life as well. But at least on that front, everything seems to be going very well indeed. I'm actually beginning to worry that I may outlive my disability benefits, and have to go back to work!

OK, I worry about a LOT of stupid things. Maybe I'll just let that one alone for the time being....

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